Sharing Good HR Strategy and Advice
Looking for a workshop or seminar that appeals to a wide business audience and gives them takeaways they can actually use? Anderson Consulting offers several different breakout sessions for groups of all sizes.
Raylana Anderson is an ideal speaker or presenter for any gathering with owners and executives of small to mid-sized businesses. Human resources is a universal topic that applies to almost every organization, and her fun, energetic and engaging style mixes humor with analytics and time-tested wisdom.
Whether you have half an hour or half a day, a workshop from Anderson Consulting could be just what your audience was hoping for.
Seminar and Workshop Topics
Raylana can present on a number of different human resources topics, including:
Finding the Value in Human Resources – Business leaders who think of human resources in terms of salaries, costs and paperwork are getting it all wrong. People should be the strength in your business, but that requires changing common practices and attitudes.
Smart Hiring and Firing – Your organization is only as good as the good talent you bring in and retain. Unfortunately, a lot of owners and executives don’t know how to hire well. Even worse, they let employees go in a way that invites trouble later.
The Employee Development Goldmine – when you develop your employees well, your business gets stronger, more efficient and more profitable every single day. Raylana shows what you can do to keep your employees growing without breaking the HR budget.
How to Run Your Business without Obsessing HR Compliance – Most compliance problems are symptoms of bigger issues. In this workshop, Raylana demonstrates how smart companies work proactively to avoid compliance issues and regulatory headaches.
Don’t see the topic you’re looking for? Custom presentations are available. Call Anderson Consulting today at 309.657.4449 to find out about workshop fees and scheduling.